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After graduating with a degree in political sciences (UNR, Argentina), I continued my studies in philosophy and mathematics at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris, as well as at the universities of Paris-​1 and Paris-​6. I defended a PhD with a dissertation on the mathematization of logic in the 19th century. From 2012 to 2019, I was a Professor in philosophy and History of Ideas (tenured in 2018) at the Fine Arts Academy of Montpellier (MO.CO.ESBA). I have been a Marie Skłodowska-​Curie Fellow at the ETH Chair of History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Currently, I am pursuing a second PhD in Computer Science at ETH Zurich, with a focus on Natural Language Processing. I am also an external researcher at the SPHERE laboratory of the Université de Paris. During 2012-​2013, I was a Fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart).